Utilising well water for potable drinking water


Utilising well water for potable drinking water


A customer contacted us as they had recently discovered a well on their property and they wanted to know what pumps and water treatment equipment would be needed to utilise this as potable water for their house.

We advised that they would need a Peak Plus pump package which consists of a submersible well pump to supply the water and a pump controller to automate the operation of the pump on pressure drop (opening a tap). Along with this they needed a complete single filter water kit, and a UV sterilisation Unit to make the water suitable for drinking as well as a large pressure vessel within the property to reduce the number of times the pump would need to start up.

The customer followed our advise and purchased all the necessary items, they now have clean drinking water at their disposal as were very pleased with the result.



Please contact Pump Express to check suitability if you intend to purchase this item for a similar application.