Rising Levels of Nitrates in UK Water Supply
The UK is currently dealing with an urgent issue related to rising nitrate levels in its water supply. Levels have been gradually rising since 1945 and as a result there is an increasing number of people are now actively taking steps to remove nitrates from their water supply in the UK.
What are nitrates and where does they come from?
Although nitrates are naturally occurring substances that are vital to plant growth, high concentrations of them in water can be hazardous to both human health and the environment.
The rise in nitrate levels in UK water can be attributed to several factors. The overuse of fertilisers in agriculture is one of the primary culprits. These consist of both synthetic fertiliser and organic manure. The nitrates in these fertilisers have the potential to be absorbed into the soil of crops and eventually find their way into bodies of water like lakes and rivers. Apart from fertilisers, animal excrement and sewage are additional issues, since they have high nitrate contents that can leak into the water supply.
How many nitrates are in UK water?
The recommended level of nitrate in drinking water in the UK and Europe is 50 parts per million, or 50 mg/l. The trend for nitrate concentrations in UK groundwater is an average annual increase of 0.3 mg/l.

Are nitrates harmful to your health?
High nitrate concentrations in water can have detrimental effects on both the ecosystem and people. Nitrates not only provide a health risk but also have the potential to impact the environment by promoting the growth of algae and other dangerous bacteria that can upset ecosystems and endanger aquatic life.
Nitrates and nitrites can react with amines and amides in the body to generate N-nitroso compounds (NOC), which are known to cause cancer in animals and may cause cancer in humans when ingested through drinking water and other food sources. Exposure to excessive amounts of nitrate or nitrite can also induce acute acquired methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder that impairs blood’s capacity to deliver oxygen to tissues (anoxia). For newborns under four months old, this is quite harmful.
Research evaluating the relationship between human nitrate exposure and cancer has primarily examined excess nitrate exposure from drinking water or food produced in regions where nitrogen-based fertilisers are widely utilised. Shallow wells and surface water sources that are exposed to runoff from nitrogen fertilisers, confined animal feedlot operations, and the consequent excrement and contamination from leaking septic tanks and sewage have been shown to contain some of the highest amounts of nitrate.

Water Treatment Range: Removing Nitrates
We must undergo steps to reduce nitrates from our water supply in order to solve the growing problem of nitrates in UK water. Reverse osmosis and other water treatment technologies, which may help filter out nitrates and other contaminants from drinking water, are two efficient ways to remove nitrates from water.
Implementing sustainable agricultural practices and enhancing wastewater treatment systems are two major ways to lessen the sources of nitrates that enter the water supply in addition to treating the water itself.

Domestic Nitrate Removal
10L, 20L, 30L

Simplex Nitrate Removal
10L to 750L

Duplex Nitrate Removal
10L to 750L (Coming Soon)
Nitrate removal Water Treatment Ranges
Nitrate removal is just one of many water treatment systems we can offer. Need more help or advice? Get in touch below